mercredi, octobre 24, 2012

Of love and other pheromones

Like Sierva Maria with butterfly kisses.
(Photo borrowed from Google Images)
I don't know how to start this post.  My conversations with you online and on the phone were amazing and I could even stretch my first impression of you to the point of saying we are on the same wavelength.  You get me, and that's quite rare.  You remind me of my former, the sweetness, the gentle caresses.  We talked about books, we talked about travel, we talked about relationships.  I scan your shoebox apartment and find it immaculate; You know how to edit your life.  I saw everything wearing your glasses, even the things you might have thrown out.  You played songs I never heard of before, while we held hands and i nuzzled on your neck.  I could've stayed like that all day, caught up in one of the best make-out sessions I've ever had.

I never really liked heavy petting, but somehow you left a mark and it is visible.  I don't know if I can mask my confusion any longer.