mercredi, novembre 03, 2004


in the spirit of genuine sociability and star-struckedness (© 2004), i'm posting here a list of celebrities under two important categories. the 1st category comes from an old profile i created in myspace and the 2nd category comes from an article i read in the sunday issue of the manila bulletin. without further ado ...

category 1 - notables

renato constantino - for writing Philippine History in the most factual, impartial, and thorough manner than any other Filipino, dead or alive.

joker arroyo - for trying to infuse a semblance of order and logic in a circus of old ferocious politicos y politicas.

mother teresa - a proof that truly good people still exist in spite of all the so-called temptations associated with democracy and American culture.

bill gates - for producing a program system that brings joy and extreme frustration at random while collecting the world's billions.

oprah - the next best thing to creating an empire since the time of the Romans.

beatrix kiddo - for having the informal license to kill in the name of revenge. After all, it's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness she lacks, not rationality....

paris hilton - for proving to the world that money DOES improve self-esteem. Move over Jessica Simpson!

category 2 - freakiest celebrity deaths

conor clapton, son of musician eric clapton 1991 -- fell out of 53rd floor window at the age of 5, prompting Eric to compose the worldwide hit "tears in heaven"

jeff buckley, musician 1997 -- drowned in the mississippi river, near mud island harbor, on may 29. his body wasn't found until june 4

capone, chicago gangster 1947 -- syphilis

albert dekker, actor and legislator 1968 -- suffocated, hanging from shower curtain rod, handcuffed, wearing women's lingerie

amelia earhart 1937 -- missing in an attempt to fly around the world.

michael findlay, horror film maker 1977 -- decapitated by helicopter blade

marvin gaye, singer 1984 -- murdered on his birthday by his father

leslie harvey, musician 1972 -- lead guitarist for Stone the Crows, died after being electrocuted onstage

relf, musician (The Yardbirds) 1976 -- electrocuted playing guitar in the bathtub

frank hayes, jockey 1923 -- heart attack during a race. his horse, Sweet Kiss, won the race, making Hayes the only deceased jockey to win a race

harry houdini, magician 1926 -- died on halloween with a ruptured appendix

Elvis Presley 1977 -- accidental drug overdose, he died while sitting on the toilet

1 Truths:

Blogger {illyria}in a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

wahahahahaha! this is a great post.

mercredi, novembre 03, 2004 9:34:00 PM  

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