mercredi, mars 06, 2013

Peking It

Striped and Stripped

Yes you look the same as your photos though not as tall (nor as medium-built) as I had expected.  You had bosoms - milky white and supple, and your skin, compared alongside any of the women we shared the elevator with, shone like alabaster.

Yes I faked it.  I made it look like I was tormented and full of guilt; made it seem like I didn't know what was happening to my relationship.  I know you faked yours too, with your inconsistent replies, how you wet the sheets with your saliva and how you started saying I-love-you's until I scolded you.  

I couldn't keep up with your kisses.  You had a weird snorting sound as you kissed, and at one point after you ate your hotdog-in-a-bun from 7-11, I was able to successfully transfer a tiny morsel of meat from my mouth back to yours, which I think you swallowed afterwards.

At least you weren't wearing a headband.  Or had dandruff.  No, your skin was too flawless.  I just wished you bought mouthwash (or borrowed mine) because the initial smooch-fest was a turn-off (like the snorting).

I tried to enjoy it anyway because it was free, and perhaps because at least you're a step up from the previous one (or so I think).

I think you enjoyed it too, despite the fact that you fell asleep and snored immediately after you came.  Good thing you woke up after a few minutes 'coz time was up.  I thought it was hilarious.