Yes we are enjoying this chat session again, but pretty we'll have to meet in person eventually and then I'll be disappointed again. I'm not choosy but I have something to put on the plate too. And then a host of other insecurities will surface that will overshadow these nuances. I will feel helpless and forlorn and claim that the gods don't hear me.
I've begun to think there are no gods. Everything is random. Life and death are random and who cares if people judge your life as being productive or not ... they will all die eventually. Not even history will outlast the apocalypse. So in this brief moment on Earth, we can rant all we want and create havoc, but we can also makes ourselves feel better ad more purposeful by keeping quiet and creating order.
Yes this is a story about a person who's getting tired of the dating scene, who's getting impatient with his insecurities, who wants to hide his face and let go. I vowed this year I won't complain anymore and so these are all just statements that have no inherent value.
If you surprise me in a positive way, then maybe I shed happy tears. If we see each other and I'm not surprised at all, then I can safely whisper to myself ... "Told you so."