lundi, septembre 27, 2004

NO People

For the most part, now that I am on a sobriety adventure, I've been trying to ward off encountering negative energy. I used to think that negative energy thrives passively in a stagnant environment, such as an old house, an old school, old friends. I've tried spending less of my waking time, or more accurately, unsynchronizing my waking time with other peoples' waking time. It occurred to me how negative energy need not be a perceived as a stale black hole waiting to be encountered. Subatomic particles are constantly in motion even in the most rigid solid object. Vibrations determine the differing states of matter, in a scientific point of view. As such, negative energy can thrive even in positive climates, neutral territories or points of transition. It waits for any sign of weakness then attacks at every opportunity. I think people are given the instinct to determine these energies, however, not all know what to do when confronted by forces greater than themselves. Considering human beings as media for these energies, as hosts to these parasites, they can either harbor these energies or channel them out into other things, as if following the universal law of conservation of energy.

Where is this gibberish getting at? Hahahahaha

I just wanted to point out that besides the presence of negative environments, we must be more aware of negative people because by virtue of human life and will, people are more dynamic sources of energy. They can speak, they can move (or not move), they can disappear from our lives all of a sudden. We, on the other hand, can choose to avoid them or deal with them squarely. After all, we are people too.

Sometimes, negative energy can come in the guise of benevolence. We think that people are being good, that people have the best intentions for us. We want to believe as outsiders, they'd know what we lack. Our instinct to determine the differing energies may sometimes be overrided by our desires, our thoughts, our ennui. Then again, sometimes, positive energy can come in the guise of malevolence. When we'd think that people are being overly critical, that people want us to suffer unneccessary pain. We'd be forced to believe what we do, what we have, is not enough. It's not really a question of perception but more of discernment.

Maybe we just have to wise up.