dimanche, novembre 07, 2004

Drinking Games

I can't remember the last time I engaged in a drinking game. Maybe that's because I've never been in any. Hahaha! I'm not much of a drinker and I easily get drunk because I like to mix everything up as if it were non-alcoholic fruit juices. Beer with vodka tonic, a little softdrink here, some lime there, a sprinkle of processed lemon salt on my hand, lick, lick, gulp .... aahhhh tequila! Nope, I'm not drunk right now. Such a shame really coz I kept winning the 7-Up straight-up thing we've been doing all night. Even if I had been winning, somehow I felt more like a loser for missing out on the Kamikaze dive. With 2 tall pitchers around 2 liters each, I only had the chance to take in 5 shots. Not even 7 for wisdom in a group of 8. Can I help it if I have excellent hand coordination and unwavering presence of mind? Hahahaha Tragically, I'll forever be sober.

Seriously though, the last time I had a little too much to drink, I ended up barfing into a tall, empty glass i "borrowed" from my sister. When the gastric volcano erupted, the glass runneth over. I thought to myself, "O god, I've run out of puke space." So the acidic lava filled part of the small, round table on the next spewing. I projectiled another two times on the floor. Surprisingly, I didn't get myself in such a mess, unlike my sister and a kind cousin. The latter escorted me to the men's room where I washed my face and thought how remarkably relieved I felt afterwards. In an instant, my headache was gone, just like that! Of course, it didn't help that the people outside were staring at me when we left, the waiter pitifully mopping away my partially-digested Chinese dimsum dinner.

I can still recall vividly how the pinkish
congee had bits of seaweed in it.

3 Truths:

Blogger EGO SVM CAROLVSin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

Eww! hahaha.

dimanche, novembre 07, 2004 5:13:00 AM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

Hahahaha Ü The desired effect ;)

dimanche, novembre 07, 2004 7:50:00 AM  
Blogger - litol figgy -in a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

*agrees with CarolVS* ennui, I didn't know whether to barf or laugh first.

(mental note: never read ennui's blog again while eating breakfast. hehe.)

lundi, novembre 08, 2004 8:25:00 AM  

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