mardi, septembre 16, 2008

Buttered or Jammed?

I couldn't sleep last night. I dunno why. What I do know is that I'm addicted to procrastination. I wait for the deadlines, I wait for the last minutes, I wait for food to rot, I wait just long enough to lose something.

Would I lose ... my mind?

I dreamt this morning that I was back in my hometown in Baguio and I was a kid again. I was walking through the garden and I saw a large green lizard, the size of a common street dog. It actually looked more like a giant gecko than anything else. For some reason, I found that I was disguised in leaves, and that particularly attracted the lizard to follow me. It felt uncomfortable so I began to run toward our bungalow. I was able to lock the doors just in time before the gecko sprung on the window to try to catch up with me. In my fear, I ran inside the bedroom to hide, locked the door adjacent to the living room. From the inside, I then heard the lizard broke the window and tore down the thin screen.

Then I woke up.

How does a flour pot fit into a mold? Cookie-cutters everywhere, tis the season for gingerbread men; can't seem to go rolling with the pin. How does one make dough rise without yeast, will a baguette grow long without shortening? What does one do with egg whites when there's no "yoke," can there be too much icing on a cake if you can't put candy flowers?

A watched pot never boils, kneaded dough become dinner rolls.
I don't wanna end up toast.

3 Truths:

Blogger {illyria}in a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

this reads soooo much bettter than your 3am text message. that muse you were missing? it's back.

mercredi, septembre 17, 2008 8:59:00 AM  
Blogger Ingrid a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

we all eventually become toast. the sooner you accept, the more interesting a toast you will be. i am whole wheat toast...with jam on one side and peanut butter on the other, just so i have a choice. you look more like canape toast, with the seared salmon, asparagus, and low-fat mayo on top.

mercredi, septembre 17, 2008 12:12:00 PM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

{illyria} - yes the muse is back in full force and i fear it.

mussolini - i prefer to be whole wheat with grains, lightly buttered with a serving of cream beef and mashed potato on the side ☺

jeudi, septembre 18, 2008 7:01:00 PM  

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