you twinkle light, you twinkle bright
a glowering gas ball of infinite might!
the cusp of clarity caves, the crispness
curves tonight.
you cup me and swallow me,
you tickle me with delight. i thought i saw
(i thought you said)
today is not the end.
i toil with you, i toy with you
for no particular reason i remain
as if tomorrow proves, it breeds into
a herd of oxen in your domain.
(i thought i said)
your heart would, your heart would not
meld with metal like a stroke of luck.
as ridicule, as minuscule,
a decant of my sorrow, would breed not.
where my love is placed,
save me! i say, may the goat pass your way.
these are the middle struggles
for my earth-borne summers
as there are parapets and amulets
for year-long winters.