lundi, juin 08, 2009

Monkeying Around

i miss writing. i still have inspired moments but nothing poetic anymore. i get caught up with work issues or texting or going home to learn about my cholesterol that i forget about being inspired and retreat to passing the time waiting for everyone to go to bed so i can have the space all to myself. i miss my space. i miss not having to close the doors when i don't feel like talking to anyone. i miss watching dvds after a crappy "meal" and a few smokes to relieve myself of feeling full. i miss my privacy.

i find that i'm revisiting my teenage angst again now that i'm back home -- why i started hating going to mass, why i've kept comparing my parentage to that of tv sitcom families ... why i even bother.

i have to admit, it's affecting my attitude towards work too. why do i even bother?

with a friend's advice, i've started writing down my thoughts about my career and what i'd like to do in the future. she told me to come up with a comprehensive matrix to help me decide which path to take. i think i just have commitment issues with work. i don't know what i need to break out of this enduring rut.

3 Truths:

Anonymous Anonymein a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

not that i'm a guru on this, but maybe because you don't like your job in the first place. so no matter what kind of writing down you do about your career, there will never be progress because you are at the wrong starting point.

go for what you really like, marty.

Dr. Phil :D

mardi, juin 09, 2009 11:40:00 AM  
Blogger Ingrid a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

a few days in cambodia will heal you. heal us. i can't wait.

dimanche, juin 14, 2009 10:25:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymein a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

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mercredi, juin 24, 2009 10:01:00 AM  

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