jeudi, août 04, 2005

If we don't stand for something, we'll fall for anything

Perhaps I was deaf in my former life, a silent traveler and chronicler who endured the noiseless journey by focusing attention to visual details. A traveler who found allure in seeing new places and encountering people from different walks of life, not knowing the variations in their voices, male or female, child or adult, angry or happy, sincere or selling a pitch. Perhaps I never knew music except those thoughts I'd conjured imagining more of the air that comes out of mouths as having more than just the scent of a previous meal. No wonder now that I surround myself with melodies, recordings, lyrics, conversations, accents ... all those things I never got to hear before.
Perhaps I was deaf in my former life, with the me having no such interest in television or reality, unless they reminded me of things I'd long forgotten across many deaths, past many relationships and accidents. Perhaps only had I been a husband, a wife, a son or daughter, an illegitimate sibling; maybe I had been a house or scenes in my life then that had been buried in monticules or underscored like errors in a manuscript.
Perhaps I had been deaf before, my eloquence only surfacing in the written language where I refused to speak up and defend my opinions. I speak in symbols, in metaphors that only a few understand, for where I grew up in silence, I had been accustomed to knowing that there was never a need to be heard even if I held the truth at the tip of my tongue. It should be a discovery free of passion or bias.
And now that I have been reborn with the ability to hear arguments, decipher inflections and pauses, or contribute to these misunderstandings with my own voice, I'm afraid I'm not used to it yet. I'm gradually adjusting to the misgivings and taunts, for a first-timer, having to suffer my own judgments and/or insecurities where these were once measures of beating.
Perhaps now is the time to be heard. The illusion of longevity or youth I hastily recast through a new medium.

6 Truths:

Blogger EGO SVM CAROLVSin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

Hold on fast. It's gonna be a bumpy ride (so I hear).

jeudi, août 04, 2005 6:30:00 AM  
Blogger {illyria}in a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

and an atheist is not someone who doesn't believe in nothing, but someone who can believe in anything.

jeudi, août 04, 2005 11:39:00 AM  
Blogger ninjatoin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

There are times in our life where we finally find our voice and realize that we need to be heard and no longer stay silence, it seems that now it's your time, and though there will be times where this will be difficult, this will definitely be good for you in the long run, I would think.

jeudi, août 04, 2005 2:28:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymein a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

Your entries intrigue me. Very good writing - I'm one of your regular readers.

I hope you don't mind, I included you in my blogroll.

dimanche, août 07, 2005 2:06:00 AM  
Blogger Aleksuin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

I like that quote on the title of this post a lot.

This post is very unique, it gives a whole new perspective to an question that occupies my mind time to time, how come that there is those that seem to be able to go through life without taking a stand.

Thanks for sharing.

lundi, août 08, 2005 1:05:00 AM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

carolvs - i'm used to bumpy rides. i hope i get to drive this time.

transience - and believers are what we should all be

ninjato - indeed, finding ones' voice can be difficult. however, the difficulty may be coming from a hearing problem.

jax - and a first-timer i really had been.

regarding ur accuser ... he can only insult u like that if he/she's as good a writer as u are

chris - thanks for the complimentÜ i've always dealt with the intrigue like it was the sunday horoscope ;)

blex - it requires a lot to take a stand and follow it thru. you'd either be tremendously informed of what it's about and what it entails to pursue, or incredibly blinded by what you think you know.

dimanche, août 14, 2005 4:01:00 AM  

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