mercredi, septembre 29, 2004

Hung up to dry

"What part of our history's reinvented and under rug swept?
What part of your memory is selective and tends to forget?
What with this distance it seems so obvious?"

-- Hands Clean by Alanis Morissette

If there's one thing I'm really good at, it's reading people. I can be very precise with my findings, from hang-ups to habits. With all the people I've encountered in my life, I have been assiduously building up my emotional intelligence even with simple encounters. I can be the greatest therapeutic communicator you can find (after all, I composed a whole thesis out of it.) I may not be a fantastic advice-giver, but I know exactly what people go through. The only challenge would be openness on their part. If people refuse to tell the truth, if people refuse to be helped, I don't bother. I have more important things to do, just merely being accommodating. I used to think it a sign of weakness to appear like a dirtbag, but I realized I'm not the one with the problems to start with. I have close friends from as far as my childhood in Baguio. I still remember the names and faces of my 3rd grade classmates even if I only spent 8 months with them in school before I left for Manila. My best buddies come from elementary, highschool and college. I have great friends from work and I foresee a lot more coming up with my potentially new job. I don't keep acquaintances, I have real friends.

Then again, all people have hang-ups and illogical habits. I'm not excluding myself from that array, after all I am human too. So now another challenge is brought up for me to take on and like this blog, I'm grabbing balls and ovaries.

In relationships, there must be some kind of psychological compatibility test exclusively made for hang-ups. That would make things a lot easier methinks. I'll invent it and have it published in Cosmo or YM. Maybe I can use a prototype with someone I met in person a couple of days ago. Hahahaha

Anyway, I've tried recounting what's been happening in my life, being thankful and trying to learn from the experiences. I've learned that I am not apathetic. There're things that still affect me, however, I refuse to be brought down by them. People still live, people can die, but the instinct for survival rouses up constantly in every person. They can deal with their whining, I'm dealing with mine in my own terms.

I apologize for the tone on this entry. It's reminiscent of my old blog.