vendredi, décembre 24, 2004

Gift Giving

I used to be superstitious with gifts. I was told that one should always tear up (and destroy) the gift wrapper so that in the succeeding yuletide season, more gifts would come in. This was torment for me because I took pride in skillfully taking out objects from their meticulously-sealed packages. Despite following the superstition, I found myself receiving less and less each year. Not that it's a bad thing, but it wasn't a good thing (for the less fortunate) either. I found myself giving less and less each year as well. Blame the economy. Blame China or the euro.

Like everyone says, "it's the thought that counts." If this is the case, then the trend of thought means counting less. But rather than the thought, maybe people should say, "it's the person that counts." Then, by this we could easily count the number of friends who've greeted us a merry christmas, who took the time out to send us a text message, a phone call, an email, a peck, a kiss, a hug, other forms of physical or emotional intimacy at the very least. If we're luckier, nay, more significant, then maybe we'd get a little trinket, a great gift, cash, or a hearty meal aside from animated conversations. Our love for our friends should not only be counted in the material sense, but in everything else besides. And it should not only be during Christmas that we remember each other -- it should be a year-long affair. It's the need to remember and be remembered during the season that leads people to getting affective disorders and/or depression. Fcuk it I say. We should be emancipated from this contrivance of expectations.

Note: That being said, I apologize to all for not having come up with presents during our annual group Christmas party today. My sense of time has not yet been re-established and I don't know if I'm running on daylight saving mode or in the midst of a 24-hour evening like in Sweden. I can't believe it's the 24th right now and already I'm feeling as if it all went by so fast. Tomorrow people will be working again. *sigh* Nonetheless, it was fantastic spending the eve before the eve of the nativity with you all. At least on my part, more than just a gift, I (or we) gave you (the remaining 4 in Pomodoro) something "memorable" for the holidays. The best part of it was that we weren't tipsy and it wasn't done out of mercy. It was quite a public display perhaps, but it would be a gift you guys would never EVER forget. Tee hee

10 Truths:

Blogger Aleksuin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

I spend the holidays at a very special friend's home, his father passed away last week, his wife apologized to me because she "did not have time to prepare a Christmas meal nor buy presents".

I told her that we are going to be together that night, and after what just happened, that was the best present to all of us, our friendship and companionship.

Eguberri On eta Urte Berri On!
Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

vendredi, décembre 24, 2004 11:09:00 PM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

thank you for that inspiring dose Ü sometimes i can't help but ponder on the essence of certain traditions and the celebration of seasons. maybe the best things in life aren't free, but if the memories last me a lifetime, then it's all worth trip Ü

samedi, décembre 25, 2004 10:27:00 PM  
Blogger bismuthin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

the best gift that day definitely. it was as if arbitrarily, i felt how it was to get back lost time, a second shot at something long overdue. christmas has that effect, that nostalgic, time-warped effect on people. well, it's once a year so it shouldn't be too bad.

lundi, décembre 27, 2004 11:01:00 AM  
Blogger {illyria}in a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

thank you.

p.s. i can't believe you still have "that" poem.

lundi, décembre 27, 2004 6:28:00 PM  
Blogger - litol figgy -in a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

christmas was different for me this year for a lot of reasons. despite the delay, i still want to wish you happy holidays...Ü

mardi, décembre 28, 2004 9:41:00 AM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

rain - thanks a lot! you have a great year ahead! Ü

bismuth - i'm glad you liked the "gift." it would be difficult to TOP that if you weren't satisfied. hehehe

transience - your welcome. i got the poem from an international poetry site.

mardi, décembre 28, 2004 7:20:00 PM  
Blogger priin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

Hehe, I had the same problem ith gift wrappings when I was a child, I loved to keep them and I must say that I sometimes liked the paper wrap more than the present inside. I currently don't mind about those superstitious thoughts so I still unwrap presents with care when I like the wrapping.

Zorionak eta urte berri on!

mardi, décembre 28, 2004 9:45:00 PM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

hi pri! nice of you to drop by. thanks for the greeting. may you have lots and lots of giftwrapper this year! hahaha Ü

mardi, décembre 28, 2004 10:26:00 PM  
Blogger Aleksuin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

All this talk about wrapping paper reminded me of a childhood tradition.

I grew up in a middle class family that was severely punished by a faltering economy.

My dad is a war-time orphan and my mom is a messed-up-society orphan, they both went through some harsh times.

So, we had to save the wrapping paper for "next year". I could be a thief thanks to the training I got on how to get the present off the wrapping paper without tearing it. The joys of Christmas.

mardi, décembre 28, 2004 11:44:00 PM  
Blogger ennuiin a hightened sense of self mumbled ...

I think giftwrapper is like icing on the cake. It looks good but if the cake sucks, only the candy flowers are worth eating up. hehehe

PS - you should write a biography on your parents. their story sounds like an interesting read Ü

mercredi, décembre 29, 2004 5:28:00 AM  

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